NHC GOP's Podcast
News and views from the New Hanover County Republican Party.
NHC GOP's Podcast
Friday Update: Why Vote Democrat? Part 2 - Using Children
Reuel Sample
Season 2
Episode 21
Children's minds are an incredible thing. They take in and process and incredible amount of data from the time they are born. They learn languages, social skills, and motor skills in an amazingly short period of time.
Democrats want to use the minds of our children to fill them up with the garbage of anti-Americanism, sexual dysphoria, and the idea that the family is no longer needed.
If you value the minds of children, if you want them to grow up to be educated and not indoctrinated, if you want kids to be protected from open displays of sexuality and lewdness - why in the world would you vote Democrat?
Republicans have the answers.
Check out our website at newhanovergop.org or contact us at podcast@nhcgop.org.